About the NJPEC

Founded in 1962, the NJPEC is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization of packaging professionals from all disciplines in the industry.  We share information, hands-on business experience and support educating students in the industry through numerous scholarship programs and mentoring opportunities.

The culture of NJPEC is collaborative and professional, creating a comfortable community for learning and making valuable business connections with packaging buyers and suppliers.  NJPEC keeps its members informed of hot topics, industry innovations and provides professional development tools to contribute to overall company and personal success.

Scholarships for students in packaging and design are the key focus of our fundraising.  Since our inception, we have awarded well over $800,000 in scholarships to deserving college students all over the country.

The Internal Revenue Service has determined that NJPEC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  All donations and membership fees are fully tax-deductible, less the amount of any goods or services received by the donor.

NJPEC members receive special benefits and incentives to attend and participate in all its activities.  Please see our membership page for more information.

The future of packaging is being shaped by the members of NJPEC. Please join us!

Key NJPEC events that bring members and non-members together for informative and enjoyable evenings include the following:

  • NJPEC Hall of Fame Dinner: Since 2003, we recognize the achievements of our peers in the packaging industry who have made a significant contribution to the field of packaging.
  • Package of the Year Awards Competition: We recognize and celebrate exemplary packaging in a wide range of categories submitted from any industry professional. The Package of the Year Awards Gala in November is always a sold-out event and includes a tricky tray, music, fabulous food and open bar.
  • Scholarship Dinner: We present numerous scholarships to outstanding packaging and design students.
  • NJPEC also hosts educational and social activities throughout the year including innovation forums, golf outings, meet-the-mentor nights, fishing trips, and nights at the races.
  • Student Connectivity: NJPEC gives members the oppurtunity to connect with the future of packaging at events throughout the year.

NJPEC is active on social media. 

Members and nonmembers can post on our NJPEC LinkedIn Page and you can follow our NJPEC 'Company' Page for updates.

On our 'Members Only' page we offer posting opportunities for those seeking employment and those looking to hire professionals in our industry.  Please contact [email protected] for any submissions


CC Profile pic

Christin Cupo
Shore Packaging Consultants
[email protected]

Jael headshot small

Vice President
Jael Garcia
Ulta Beauty
[email protected]


Evan headshot

Evan Fischbein

Just Packaging
[email protected]

Fran Headshot

Fran Guinan
Keystone Foam Corporation
[email protected]


Kristyn Shaner Wexler Packaging Products, Inc.
Jesse Fischbein Just Packaging
Gene Kistler Just Packaging
Steve Fischbein Just Packaging
Howie Greenberg Allstate Paper Box

Committee Chairs

Membership ChairTara UtainWexler Packaging Products, Inc.[email protected]
Recent Graduate Liaisons / Membership Committee
Jael Garcia
Jesse Fischbein
Ulta Beauty
Just Packaging
[email protected]
[email protected]
Publication and Partner CommunicaitonsLaura CareyRISSMANN[email protected]
Corporate Sponsorship ChairMaria LacharUnimac Packaging[email protected]
Communications Chair
Megan Dimler
Wexler Packaging Products, Inc
[email protected]
Dinner Chair
Dinner Committee
Annie Scully
Chris Uhl
David Allen
Praxis Marketing
Jerhel Plastics
Church & Dwight
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

HistorianMatt MulveyPrecision Engineering Solutions[email protected]
Scholarship Chair / University RelationsSteve ChapmanPraxis Packaging[email protected]
Scholarship CommitteeJeff Burke
Greg Olahh
Matt Mulvey
Laura Carey
Primex Plastics
Precision Engineering Solutions
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Event Chairs

Hall of FameBoris Schaefer
Matt Cassano
TNT Global Manufacturing, Inc.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Package of the YearNJPEC BOARD[email protected]
Tricky Tray / Swag BagMaria LacharUnimac Packaging[email protected]
Golf Outing & LuncheonJen Brady
Mark Kenah
Jerry Rudd
Brad-Pak Enterprises, Inc.
Albert Paper Company
Grateful Packaging LLC
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rutgers Round TableMatt MulveyPrecision Engineering Soltuions [email protected]
Fishing Extravaganza Jim BradyBrad-Pak Enterprises, Inc.[email protected]